Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking

At least one-third of the people we know (including myself) are introverts. They are the ones who prefer listening to speaking, reading to partying; who innovate and create but dislike self-promotion; who favor working on their own over brainstorming in teams.

Although they are often labeled “quiet,” it is to introverts that we owe many of the great contributions to society–from van Gogh’s sunflowers to the invention of the personal computer.

introvert, Power of introvers, weekend reading, Recommended Reading, Susan Cain, Introverts

Passionately argued, impressively researched, and filled with indelible stories of real people, Quiet shows how dramatically we undervalue introverts, and how much we lose in doing so. Taking the reader on a journey from Dale Carnegie’s birthplace to Harvard Business School, from a Tony Robbins seminar to an evangelical megachurch, Susan Cain charts the rise of the Extrovert Ideal in the twentieth century and explores its far-reaching effects.

She talks to Asian-American students who feel alienated from the brash, backslapping atmosphere of American schools. She questions the dominant values of American business culture, where forced collaboration can stand in the way of innovation, and where the leadership potential of introverts is often overlooked. And she draws on cutting-edge research in psychology and neuroscience to reveal the surprising differences between extroverts and introverts.

Perhaps most inspiring, she introduces us to successful introverts–from a witty, high-octane public speaker who recharges in solitude after his talks, to a record-breaking salesman who quietly taps into the power of questions.
Finally, she offers invaluable advice on everything from how to better negotiate differences in introvert-extrovert relationships to how to empower an introverted child to when it makes sense to be a “pretend extrovert.”

This extraordinary book has the power to permanently change how we see introverts and, equally important, how introverts see themselves.


Introvert – Unleashe Your Creativity!

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Find the Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose

Embraced by the Divine: The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose by Ms Michelle Mayur

“Embraced by the Divine – The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose” is an exceptional anthology filled with raw authenticity, love and spiritual wisdom from some of the most light-filled female way-showers of our time. The message is that no matter what challenge, misfortune or trauma life throws at you, there is always the chance to turn it around, to grow from the experience and to triumph against all odds.

Each chapter is a deeply personal, raw and vulnerable account of one or more crisis periods in that woman’s life, her Dark Night of the Soul and how, often in partnership with the Divine, she found that deep inner courage and strength to not only break through to a higher level and to grow as a person, but also to follow her dreams and achieve success, often phenomenally.
The co-authors inspire readers to believe that “if these women can do it, then I can too!” Filled with juicy journeys, inspirational spiritual gems, practical tools, meditations and divine guidance to find and live your highest life purpose / divine mission, this book allows readers to get up close and personal with each co-author.
Written by successful women of a particularly high resonance, who are not afraid to bare their soul, this book is especially suited to you if you are a woman feeling that deep inner soul stirring to break through limiting beliefs and fears to reclaim your power.
It will appeal to you if you need inspiration and confidence to follow your dreams and fully embrace your life purpose at the highest level.

More power to you!

Get your copy here!

By Red Point Tailor

Keep up-to-date with latest jewellery designs! Follow Red Point Tailor on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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Say Hello to Your Amazing Life!

Create Your Amazing Life by Kara Benz 

Have you ever wished that there was a resource out there with ACTIONABLE steps to take in an organized manner to start living your best life now?

There is a TON of advice out there, that’s for sure! The problem is that it’s spread out in so many different places that it’s just not easily accessible. That’s why I decided to write Create Your Amazing Life.

Here’s what you’ll find inside:

  • A simple, easy to follow recipe to gradually build YOUR best life.
  • 31 days of concepts to incorporate into your daily life.
  • Each day is only one page, giving you the short and sweet version of each topic.
  • 2 daily action steps (that you can take in 10 minutes or less) that will help you incorporate the new concept into your life right away.
  • 1 or 2 additional reading links each day in case you want to dive further into any of the 31 topics.

More power to you!

Get your copy here!

By Red Point Tailor

Keep up-to-date with latest jewellery designs! Follow Red Point Tailor on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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Are You Ready to Transform Your Life?

The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM) by Hal Elrod

What’s being widely regarded as “one of the most life changing books ever written” may be the simplest approach to achieving everything you’ve ever wanted, and faster than you ever thought possible.

What if you could wake up tomorrow and any – or EVERY – area of your life was beginning to transform? What would you change?

The Miracle Morning is already transforming the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world by showing them how to wake up each day with more ENERGY, MOTIVATION, and FOCUS to take your life to the next level. It’s been right here in front of us all along, but this book has finally brought it to life.

Are you ready? The next chapter of YOUR life – the most extraordinary life you’ve ever imagined – is about to begin. It’s time to WAKE UP to your full potential…

More power to you!

Get your copy here!

By Red Point Tailor

Keep up-to-date with latest jewellery designs! Follow Red Point Tailor on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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