How to Create and Manage your Personal Brand

Weekend Reading – PERSONAL BRANDING for INTROVERTS and the SOCIALLY RELUCTANT: A Simple Guide to Reinvent and Manage Your Brand for Career Success by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran

Your Personal Brand is always showing even if you aren’t aware that it is.

Personal Branding for Introverts and the Socially Reluctant will learn you: – What is a Personal Brand and why it’s vital to align to your career direction – How to figure out what yours is – How to communicate and demonstrate your Brand at work, on social media and other critical places to reinforce it – How to do damage control when you blunder (which will happen at some point) – How to reinvent and change it when your goals change.

Created as a workbook, Personal Branding for Introverts and the Socially Reluctant will take you step-by-step through all the things you need to do or think of to create and manage your Personal Brand.


By Red Point Tailor

Keep up-to-date with latest jewellery designs! Follow Red Point Tailor on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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How to Reinvent Your Personal Identity

Weekend Reading – You Branding: Reinventing Your Personal Identity as a Successful Brand by Mark Cijo

In You Branding: Reinventing Your Personal Identity as a Successful Brand, Mark Cijo outlines many of the methods and secrets that he’s used to create a successful personal brand.

‘Have you ever used Google to look yourself up? Go ahead and take a moment to enter your name into the search engine. I’ll wait.

For a lot of us the result is an uncontrolled mess of descriptors and identifiers that lacks the necessary cohesion to arrest an audience. Others of us find that we are invisible.’  


By Red Point Tailor

Keep up-to-date with latest jewellery designs! Follow Red Point Tailor on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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