by Red Point Tailor | Empowerment, Recommended Reading
Branding Pays: The Five-Step System to Reinvent Your Personal Brand by Karen Kang
Globalization and social media have made the world smaller, more connected and infinitely more competitive. The world has changed. Have you?
If you don t have the package that will take you to the next level of your career, you need to reinvent your personal brand. Branding Pays TM, a practical guide to strategic personal branding, will help you refocus your skills and experience so you are the best candidate for the job, career and business opportunities that you desire. Perfect for professionals, entrepreneurs and college students, the step-by-step Branding Pays methodology has been proven in Fortune 500 companies and leading business schools. Former Regis McKenna Inc. Partner Karen Kang builds upon concepts and techniques from the legendary marketing firm that created and launched the Apple brand.
More power to you!
Get your copy here!
By Red Point Tailor
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by Red Point Tailor | Empowerment, Recommended Reading
The 24-Hour Woman: How High Achieving, Stressed Women Manage It All and Still Find Happiness by Cheryl Liew-Chng
Think you can have it all? Think again. Then stop thinking and do something different. In this “always-on” global world with increasing work-life demands and career opportunities, the 24-Hour Woman has the wisdom to know that managing it all does not mean having it all. Rather, it means consciously designing a life of happiness and fulfillment.
All women experience STRESS—whether they are working professionals, entrepreneurs, or stay-at-home moms. It’s what they do with it that matters. Instead of trying to have and do everything, the 24-Hour Woman masters the art of navigating life successfully by focusing first on the legacy she wants to build. Only then can she live a life most excellent—defined by joy and vibrancy. Written by Cheryl Liew-Chng, award-winning global HR consultant on work-life issues and professional development, The 24-Hour Woman offers wisdom and tools from successful women around the globe. The 24-Hour Woman shares strategies for navigating life by focusing first on legacy.
Then it lays out case studies and simple daily changes to help you thrive—starting today—and extending through every 24-hour period you live.
You will discover:
• The myths of the 24-Hour Woman and how to get ahead of them
• The five Foundational Pillars that every woman must build into her life
• What a legacy can do to keep you focused and passionate about your day
• How to create “growth friends” to nudge you forward
• What a show host, ceramics artist, and corporate CEO have in common.
Learn the secrets and strategies of The 24-Hour Woman—and discover how to thrive in all areas of life. The clock is ticking…what are you waiting for?
More power to you!
Get your copy here!
By Red Point Tailor
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by Red Point Tailor | Recommended Reading
“Confidence is a powerful accessory. Never leave home without it” – Carol Sankar @ TEDx
The glass ceiling may have been removed, but the scars from our predecessors bumping their heads is still relevant. The Confidence Factor is committed to accelerating women in leadership to ensure women contribute value after they Lean In. The Confidence Factor for Women in Busines is based on a series of core conversations for women who desire more success in business. Join the movement at
So what are you waiting for?!
More power to you!
Get your copy here!
By Red Point Tailor
Keep up-to-date with latest jewellery designs! Follow Red Point Tailor on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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by Red Point Tailor | Empowerment, Recommended Reading
Women: They are strong, powerful and delicate all at the same time! They are the spices that adds flavor to life.
If you are a woman and you stumbled upon this book, this is for YOU!
Today, you are going to open a precious gift that you don’t know you already own. This is your time to discover who you truly are as a woman and live a transformed life!
How To Be A Woman 3rd Edition is a book for all beautiful women out there who are in search for something great inside of them. This will be your light to a path of realization and revelation.
Not only that this book will help you see the real you, but this will also teach you how to interact with your co-queens and attract the bachelors nearby!
Here’s What’s In-Store For You:
• Knowing Who You Really Are As A Woman
• Why Equality is Bulls**t, and Why You Shouldn’t Compete with Men
• Owning Your Class
• How to Exude Confidence
• Observation
• How to Attract Real Men
• How to be a Standout
• Accepting the Skin You’re In
And many more!!
We know that these are the things that you would want to find out about yourself and questions you’ve been asking for so long.
All of them answered and very well explained in this book because you deserve it!
So what are you waiting for?!
More power to you!
Get your copy here!
By Red Point Tailor
Keep up-to-date with latest jewellery designs! Follow Red Point Tailor on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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by Red Point Tailor | Empowerment, Recommended Reading
Weekend Reading – The Well-Spoken Woman – Your Guide to Looking and Sounding Your Best by Christine K. Jahnke. Learn how to to be confident, concise, and compelling when speaking in public.
The Well-Spoken Woman – Your Guide to Looking and Sounding Your Best by Christine K. Jahnke is must-have guide, where one of the nation’s premier speech coaches shares tested techniques from twenty years of coaching women on what works and what doesn’t. Christine K. Jahnke details the practices and techniques of successful women to help all women improve their presentation and public speaking skills. With access to her expertise, you’ll learn strategies that will help you present your best self in forums from PTA meetings to TV studios, conferences to classrooms, boardrooms to YouTube.
Filled with behind-the-scenes advice, The Well-Spoken Woman is for every woman who wants to present herself well, express her ideas with confidence, and earn the respect of any audience.
Get your copy here!
By Red Point Tailor
Keep up-to-date with latest jewellery designs! Follow Red Point Tailor on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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by Red Point Tailor | Empowerment, Recommended Reading
Weekend Reading – The Big Leap – Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by PhD Hendricks Gay.
“Gay Hendricks is a great role model for true success. He enjoys abundance and a deep connection with his own spiritual essence, and at the same time has lived for three decades in a thriving marriage. Now, he shows us how to do it for ourselves.”
— Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of Cracking the Millionaire Code
In The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks, the New York Times bestselling author of Five Wishes, demonstrates how to eliminate the barriers to success by overcoming false fears and beliefs. Fans of Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson, and The Secret will find useful, effective tips for breaking down the walls to a better life in The Big Leap.
Get your copy here!
By Red Point Tailor
Keep up-to-date with latest jewellery designs! Follow Red Point Tailor on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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by Red Point Tailor | Empowerment, Recommended Reading
Weekend Reading – Smart Women Finish Rich by David Bach – learn how to get in control of your finances and your future.
Many women, whether they’ve managed million-dollar budgets at work or managed kids, bills, and car payments at home, feel at a loss when it comes to figuring out their finances. Now, in Smart Women Finish Rich, renowned financial adviser David Bach gives women the tools and the program they need to create a rich future. Whether you’re working with a few dollars a week or a significant inheritance, Bach’s seven-step program can provide a huge payoff. Smart Women Finish Rich will put you in control of your finances and your future.
Get your copy here!
By Red Point Tailor
Keep up-to-date with latest jewellery designs! Follow Red Point Tailor on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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by Red Point Tailor | Empowerment, Recommended Reading
Weekend Reading – Live It, Love It, Earn It: A Woman’s Guide to Financial Freedom – by Marianna Olszewski
Does your heart race when your credit card bill arrives? Are you one flat tire or one emergency room visit from financial ruin? If you think a secure financial future is out of reach, you’re wrong. Let Marianna Olszewski teach you how to love your money instead of running scared from it.
Marianna didn’t start out rich, happy and fabulous. A strapped-for-cash childhood motivated her to strive for abundance and financial independence-goals she exceeded by age thirty as a successful business owner and respected Wall Street player. Now Marianna reveals the lessons she learned on her own road to success and the savvy strategies of other amazing women. She shows how to let go of stress, break your bad money habits, take control of your finances, and finally achieve your goals and a happier, richer life.
Get your copy here!
By Red Point Tailor
Keep up-to-date with latest jewellery designs! Follow Red Point Tailor on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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by Red Point Tailor | Recommended Reading
Weekend Reading – PERSONAL BRANDING for INTROVERTS and the SOCIALLY RELUCTANT: A Simple Guide to Reinvent and Manage Your Brand for Career Success by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran
Your Personal Brand is always showing even if you aren’t aware that it is.
Personal Branding for Introverts and the Socially Reluctant will learn you: – What is a Personal Brand and why it’s vital to align to your career direction – How to figure out what yours is – How to communicate and demonstrate your Brand at work, on social media and other critical places to reinforce it – How to do damage control when you blunder (which will happen at some point) – How to reinvent and change it when your goals change.
Created as a workbook, Personal Branding for Introverts and the Socially Reluctant will take you step-by-step through all the things you need to do or think of to create and manage your Personal Brand.
By Red Point Tailor
Keep up-to-date with latest jewellery designs! Follow Red Point Tailor on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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