Fascinate – discover what triggers fascination

Weekend Reading – Fascinate: Your 7 Triggers to Persuasion and Captivation by Sally Hogshead

In Fascinate, advertising and media personality Sally Hogshead explores what triggers fascination—one of the most powerful ways to attract attention and influence behavior—and explains how companies can use these concepts to make their products and ideas irresistible to consumers. Marketing professionals of every ilk will find much of use in the pages of Fascinate; in the words of business guru Tom Peters, “fascination is arguably the most powerful of product attachments,” and Fascinate a “pioneering book [that] helps us approach the word and the concept in a thoughtful and also practical manner.”

By Red Point Tailor

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What are Your Fascination Advantages?

Weekend Reading – How the World Sees You: Discover Your Highest Value Through the Science of Fascination by Sally Hogshead

Sally Hogshead believes the greatest value you can add is to become more of yourself.

Hogshead rose to the top of the advertising profession in her early 20s, writing ads that fascinated millions of consumers. Over the course of her ad career, Sally won hundreds of awards for creativity, copywriting, and branding, and was one of the most awarded advertising copywriters right from start of career, including almost every major international advertising award.

The science of fascination is based on Hogshead’s decade of research with 250,000 participants, including dozens of Fortune 500 teams, hundreds of small businesses, and over a thousand C-level executives.

By Red Point Tailor

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